The need for trained and certified personnel in today's workforce increases daily. Anyone interested in becoming a certified professional and enhancing their skills and knowledge before seeking employment and advancement, can receive the credentials they need to excel through Centex Technologies.

Centex Technologies also offers a nationally accredited high school equivalency assessment. This assessment, commonly known as the GED, is offered at our location through Pearson Vue. It is accepted and recognized by nearly all employers and colleges. To schedule a GED, TX Educator Certification, Cisco, CompTIA or any other Pearson services test, please use this link:

Centex Technologies offers a broad range of exams at the provided by Pearson VUE, Pan, and PSI. Exams offered include GED, Comp TIA A+, Network +, Security +, CISCO, Adobe, MTA and ACSM among many others. Centex Technologies’ mission is to help build the next generation of professionals.

For more information on our Testing services feel free to visit us, call us or email us at our Killeen office.

Killeen Office 
501 N. 4th Street
Killeen, TX - 76541
(Downtown. Corner of 4th Street & Avenue B)

Local: (254) 213-4740
Fax: (254) 634-3998
