15. January 2012 06:54
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The landing page is the first page of your website that web surfers come in contact with once they are either directed from some other link or they type in browser to visit your website. A single website can have multiple landing pages depending on their marketing campaigns. The importance of this page cannot be underestimated as it is the first direct contact that potential customers have with your brand or company. A favorable impression at this stage can be instrumental in helping convert user interest to a sale. Many websites do not pay much attention to coming up with a unique and captivating design template for their landing page the result being dwindling customers and lost sales. There are several tips that can help you design a landing page that is a hit with customers and incites them to explore your website further. Some of them have been specified below:
- Choosing the right colors for your landing page is of paramount importance as colors can be vital to ensure the interest of your customers. Each color is said to convey a different psychological message and elicit a unique emotional response. The colors for your landing page should not be chosen on a hit and trial basis rather they must be the result of careful analysis of the kind of response that you wish to evoke from visitors.
- Apart from choosing the right colors, the design of your landing page needs to be completely clutter-free and simple. Too many elements in the form of graphics or moving textual content tend to create confusion in the minds of visitors and can be a big turn off. It is best to stick to a safe design with a clean template.
- There should be a minimum number of buttons listed on your landing page so that visitors are not bombarded with multiple options. Having to choose between different buttons can be quite frustrating as visitors try to figure out how to proceed to the next step. Each element that is clickable should feature a one-word explanation regarding where it is bound to lead.
- The most important aspect of good website designing is to stick to a single template or layout for each page on your website. Using different layouts for successive webpages can look tacky and unsophisticated.
We at Centex Technologies provide website design and development solutions. For more information, you can call us at our Killeen (254-213-4740) or Dallas (972-375-9654) Office.
Dallas Website Design - Dallas Internet Marketing
24. December 2011 04:51
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Cloud Computing offers several advantages to small as well as large sized business organizations. Its incorporating into your IT department helps in increased efficiency and effectiveness of data maintenance and business operations. However, the security aspect should not be ignored if you intend to switch to Cloud Computing services especially if confidentiality and privacy forms a major part of your business activities. There are two kinds of cloud services including public as well as private. In case of public cloud computing, there are several customers using the same hardware. On the other hand, private cloud computing helps you maintain adequate control over information related to your business. Some of the security tips that can be adopted to help guard private data are:
- Most businesses choose not to take data back-ups as they are confident of their security level. However, this is a very common mistake as it can lead to complete loss of data in case of an unpredictable breach. Thus, it is essential to take back ups of all your data so that your organization does not end up losing important information that it requires for its day to day functioning.
- The second security tip that can serve you in good stead is to be completely aware about exactly where your data is being stored. Based on this information, you should set up appropriate firewalls to keep out hackers and prevent the loss of valuable information. You also need to be aware about how your data is going to be handled by your cloud service provider in case it stops providing services to you. These aspects should be specified in the service contract that you sign while availing cloud computing services.
- While scouting for different cloud computing service providers, you should conduct a thorough survey about their history and dealings with past clients. It is best to get in touch with previous or existing clients to enquire about their experiences regarding security of data.
We at Centex Technologies provide complete IT support and networking solutions. We also provide Web Development and Search Engine Optimization services. For more information, you can call us at our Killeen (254-213-4740) or Dallas (972-375-9654) Office.
Dallas Internet Marketing - SEO Dallas
13. December 2011 07:46
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Search Engine Optimization is currently the buzz word on the internet and can be used effectively to draw in loads of customers and to generate additional revenue for your business. Centex Technologies is a company that offers its services to businesses in Dallas that includes website design as well as conducting SEO and internet marketing activities. Some of the services under SEO that we offer include the following:
- Website popularity building is a process by which your website links are made popular on the web through various processes. This allows your website so as to rank your website high up in search engines like Google and Yahoo.
- Title tags and meta tags also form an important part of making your website SEO friendly. They are generally codes created by the website creator that are displayed at the head of your HTML document. These tags can be influential in determining whether your webpage shows up in search results or not.
- There are several online (Local and Global) directories that can be used to further enhance traffic to your website. They are generally used for routing customers to written content like articles and blogs. Links have to be inserted along with other relevant information into these directories on a regular basis. Our staff can perform this task for our clients on a regular basis so as to adequately promote your business.
- Social bookmarking is another method that is used by web surfers to find resources online. Bookmarking networks are employed by us to help spread the word about your products or services.
- Search Engine Submissions so as to make your website rank in various search engines.
Search Engine Optimization is possibly the best way to promote and publicize your business instead of investing a huge fortune in traditional methods of advertizement. We have large number of successful SEO projects under our belt and can guide our clients towards making the best advertizing choices that are not only cost effective but also provide tangible results in the form of increased sales and revenue. For more information on the same, please feel free to contact us at our Killeen (254-213-4740) or Dallas (972-375-9654) Office.
Internet Marketing Dallas - Dallas Website Design
16. November 2011 07:49
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Wi-Fi networks refer to wireless networks that can help you connect to the internet without having to set up a wired internet connection on your laptop or mobile device. They help you log on to the web in a very convenient and effective method that is completely free from hassles. You no longer need to purchase a mobile internet connection for your system in case you are travelling as most public places these days provide Wi-Fi networks that can allow you to surf the internet. These may be offered free of cost at some places like hotels, libraries, malls, etc. and may also be charged at certain areas. There are generally two ways in which you can connect to a Wi-Fi network in the vicinity. These are either by filling in a password or logging on without having to do so. In the latter case, the Wi-Fi is generally offered free of cost and is meant for use of the public.
Apart from being very useful at public places, Wi-Fi networks are equally important at homes and in corporate offices. This is because they allow a number of different systems including personal computers, laptops, mobile devices, etc. to gain access through a common internet connection. You are not required to get a separate connection or internet cables for each system in your house or office thus saving on additional expenses. The set up is also quite simple as you only have to get an internet connection installed along with setting up a router to provide Wi-Fi signals throughout your home. There are different kinds of routers that can be purchased. These devices differ in the amount of area that they can cover and provide Wi-Fi signals in. Generally, the more expensive routers are able to cover wider areas than cheaper ones.
If you have a Wi-Fi internet connection installed in your premises, all you need to do is to open the network connections folder in the Control Panel. Your system will then show you all the Wi-Fi networks that are available in the area and you can log on to your network either directly or by filling in a password depending on how you have set it up.
At Centex Technologies we provide complete network setup including cabling, router installation, computer installation etc. For more information call us at our Killeen (254-213-4740) or Dallas (972-375-9654) Offices.
Dallas Search Engine Optimization - Dallas Website Design
2. November 2011 04:16
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Website testing forms an integral part of starting or operating a website irrespective of whether you run a website for business purposes or simply for leisure. It is not enough to simply create a website and have it up and running on the internet. There is a list of checks that must be conducted before your website becomes available on the internet. There can be several glitches and errors that may start to show once your website is running. This can be quite off putting for users who may start to avoid visiting your webpage. Thus, in order to retain visitors to your site, you need to ensure that your website functions smoothly and without any hassles. Some of the elements that you need to conduct testing in have been specified below:
- Your website needs to be tested for functionality before it starts to run. This refers to the way that the site functions and conducting a thorough and comprehensive check of whether all the links are in a workable condition or not. There should be absolutely no broken links or extra cookies that hamper the operation of your site. You can either try to eliminate such problems on your own or pay for technical assistance to troubleshoot such problems.
- Your website also needs to be tested for usability i.e. you will need to check whether it is easy to use for first time as well as returning users. There should be a detailed and easy to understand site map that is placed in a prominent position on the webpage so as to be easily visible to users. Also, the font and colors used should be standardized ones and should not be too gaudy or excessively large or small sized. The standards for image sizing must also be followed to provide a great navigating experience for the visitors.
- The security measures in place should be thoroughly examined in order to protect your website from virus attacks. Also, if you are operating an e commerce website and generally receive payments from customers online, it is essential for you to have proper encryption in place to protect their financial information from hackers.
We at Centex Technologies provide comprehensive website development services. We are located in Dallas and Killeen Texas. For more information, feel free to call us on our toll free no: (855) 375-9654)
Web Development Dallas - Website Design Dallas Tx
27. October 2011 01:03
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A Virtual Private Network is of great importance in a company that operates over a wide geographical area. It helps different groups of people keep in touch with each other so as to facilitate business operations. The best thing about a VPN network is that it uses the public network of the internet to provide a safe and secure means of communication between the management and the employees or customers. It is also an efficient way of keeping in touch with different people based outside of the company. When a certain employee is travelling to faraway locations for business purposes, the company can easily keep in touch with him/her through a pre established Virtual Private Network. It is essential to use such a network for this purpose so as to protect client confidentiality and to keep all data safe from outsiders or possible hackers.
In the case of a virtual private network, the company usually has its own private network through which all communications and data is routed. The basis used for this transmission is the already existing infrastructure provided by the internet. This allows for encryption of the data that is to be sent along with ensuring that economy of operations is maintained. A company does not need to make huge investments for setting up a Virtual Private network as the internet charges are going to apply for using such a network across the globe.
There are several benefits that can be derived from a VPN. Some of them are:
- A VPN can be used for communication with far off locations as well as nearby areas. This helps to substantially decrease the telephone bills of the company as all information is disseminated and received through the official VPN.
- It helps in keeping the data secure.
- A VPN also helps in bringing efficiency in the working of the organization as the employees do not need to come in person in order to relay any sensitive or confidential information as it can be safely transmitted through a VPN.
- Virtual private networks are quite reliable as they provide uninterrupted channels of communication and data transfer at all times. Even if the company has certain employees based in remote areas, they can easily maintain interaction with the central management.
- VPN services are quite flexible and their scope can be increased as and when required by the business.
For complete IT support, call us at Centex Technologies (Toll free: (855) 375-9654)
Web Development Dallas - Website Design Dallas Tx
5. October 2011 05:17
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Lots of people are fast realizing the potential of ecommerce businesses and are moving their offline operations to the online world. There are lots of advantages of running an online business; the most important being the low set up costs associated with such businesses. A product selling business is generally associated with taking orders from customers, obtaining payment and subsequently delivering them to the addresses provided. An effective and efficient shipping process must be in place in order to do so successfully. Thus you need to have shipping modules in place for your website so that all your deliveries take place in a cost effective and timely manner.
While setting up a shipping module for your website, there are several important things that you need to figure out. Some of them are:
- The amount of money that you are going to charge to customers’ accounts for the shipping process needs to be determined. This should be decided depending on the geographical areas where certain customers are based and the value of the item being shipped. The shipping rate is generally a certain percentage of the price of the product. Some companies may also wish to have a standardized shipping rate irrespective of the amount the product costs. You need to develop the pricing policy with regard to shipping beforehand so that your customers can be made aware of this as soon as they decide to buy something on your website.
- You also need to figure out whether you are going to outsource the shipping process or are going to take on the responsibility of delivery yourself by setting up a shipping department to manage all such related affairs.
- Some ecommerce websites may have shipping modules in the form of tables that customers need to browse through in order to arrive at the price that they are expected to pay for the delivery of the items they are purchasing. However, having automated shipping modules in place that provide the shipping costs along with the product costs at the time of check out are a more suitable alternative. These shipping modules help generate the price on the basis of the postal codes that customers provide.
We at Centex Technologies provide complete web development solutions to our clients. We are pioneers in creating state-of-the-art ecommerce websites including advanced features like payment processing, shipping modules and SEOed Urls etc. For more information, contact us at (855) 375-9654
Website Design Dallas Tx - Dallas Search Engine Optimization
20. September 2011 05:40
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CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and is an important element for business success. In today’s competitive scenario of globalised businesses and multinational corporations, there is a need to build an effective rapport and a long lasting relationship with customers that can guarantee continuous sales. Having a good CRM application in place helps build a personalized relationship with buyers that helps generate valuable and loyal clients who do not switch to rival businesses in the long run.
Irrespective of the kind of business that you are running, a CRM application offers a host of benefits. It helps provide an efficient system to manage customers and ensures that all buyers who deal with your organization remain satisfied with your services. There are different kinds of CRM applications that can be put in place depending on the particular requirements of your business organization. Customer services generally need to be provided in a manner that is in accordance with the industry that your business is a part of and the kind of products that are being offered by you in the market. Certain types of companies that provide customized services require a comprehensive CRM application while those that may be selling standardized products may require a less detailed CRM application.
There are several important functions that are performed by CRM applications:
- A CRM application helps gather feedback and provides useful services to customers who may be engaged in purchasing your goods or availing your services online. Online services require a constant customer evaluation and support system to ensure a satisfactory experience for buyers.
- It also helps gather and record useful information that may prove to be quite useful in business planning and decision making processes in the future. Customer feedback is very important in deciding the kind of products to be launched so that they can be sold successfully in the market.
- Using the data collected from CRM applications, it is possible to utilize the facts and statistics gathered to make predictions about future sales and demand structures in the future. This information can be effectively used in formulating marketing policies.
We at Centex Technologies create customized Customer Relationship Management applications for our clients in Dallas, Killeen and other areas in Central Texas. For more information contact us at – (855) 375-9654
Web Development Dallas - Website Design Dallas Tx
6. September 2011 04:28
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There are several things that need to form a part of your website if you are running your own business irrespective of whether you are a large corporation or a small business. The kind of image that is projected by your official business website goes a long way in establishing a rapport with your customers and in determining whether you are likely to attract buyers or not. It is thus very important to carefully consider the aspects that go into building a customer friendly website that can hold the attention of visitors for a time period enough to incite them to make a purchase. Some of the tips that can help you build the perfect website have been mentioned below:
- Potential customers tend to look for useful information that helps them find out more about the origin of your company and your overall policies. This makes it important for an “about us” section to be in place that provides relevant information regarding the ownership of your business and the inspiration behind its formation. This helps create a personal rapport with the customers who are likely to come back to your website and remember your business name. It helps generate an element of human interest and thus attracts more clients.
- Another vital element in a commercial website is the presence of important contact information about your business. If possible, you should also include an authentic address of your offline offices so as to build credibility. Businesses that do not list any contact information or do not answer calls can soon face failure in attracting customers.
- Your website should have a proper list of instructions in place to guide customers on the process of making a purchase from you. The instructions should be detailed and step by step so that potential buyers do not face any problems in placing orders on your website. There also needs to be secure encryption in place that promises to protect the information furnished by customers in the course of their purchase.
- An attractive layout and a welcoming design also goes a long way in ensuring that your website registers more visitors.
We at Centex Technologies provide complete web designing and development solutions to our clients. For more information visit us at our Killeen or Dallas office or call us on our Toll Free no. - (855) 375-9654
Web Development Dallas - Website Design Dallas Tx
18. August 2011 03:01
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It is very important to have a good ecommerce website in place if you have an online business. With most customers switching to online shopping, it is vital to have a good shopping portal in place for those who wish to place orders from the comfort of their homes. It is not enough to just create an ecommerce website and start receiving orders. You will also need to ensure that the ecommerce website is good enough to serve the needs of customers in an effective manner. There are certain tips that must be considered if you want your ecommerce website design to be successful:
- It is best to hire a professional website designer to create an ecommerce website for your business so that all the technical aspects are properly taken care of and there are no failures later on. By hiring an expert in the field, your website is likely to have a professional touch that is easily discernible from other websites that may have been built by website owners lacking in skill.
- The layout of your website is very important and needs to be attractive and cheerful enough to attract new customers and also bring back old ones. It should be easy for web surfers to navigate through your website and easily find what they are looking for without any hassles.
- It is vital for you to have an IT department at hand to solve all possible glitches and problems that may arise with your ecommerce website. A website that fails while customers are placing orders or shows unnecessary and frequent errors can be quite a turn off for shoppers.
- The mechanism for payment should be secure as well as easy to understand for the average consumer. It should not have excessive complications that are problematic for shoppers. There should be verification of the customer’s identity along with other security measures in place that help protect financial information of shoppers.
- Lastly, your ecommerce website should be designed in accordance with your business vision and the kind of image you wish to project about your company. It should not stand in complete contrast to your market image.
For effective ecommerce website design and implementation, contact us at Centex Technologies (Toll free : (855) 375-9654)
Website Design Dallas Tx - Dallas Search Engine Optimization