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How Does Cybersecurity-as-a-Service Benefit In Securing Small Businesses?

What is CSaaS and what is it comprised of?

Outsourcing cybersecurity management to a professional Information Security Services provider, who is capable of ensuring security to your business operations is known as Cybersecurity-as-a-Service (CSaaS). CSaaS is frequently sold in bundles that comprise, among other things, the following services: -

  • Dark Web monitoring
  • Post-incident investigation
  • Executive summary reports
  • Email Exchange server security
  • Identity and Access Management
  • Pre-incident prevention and detection
  • End-User security awareness training
  • Threat Intelligence and Threat Hunting
  • Digital Forensics and Incident Response
  • Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering
  • Security Information and Event Management
  • Device configuration maintenance and backups
  • Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing
  • Firewall, Intrusion Detection-Prevention, and Load balancer support
  • Detecting, Preventing and Responding to various cyber threats and risks
  • Securing - Infrastructure, Network, Data, Endpoint, Application, Cloud, IoT, Physical premises
  • Maintaining organizational Compliance as per various 3rd-party vendor security assessments.

How could small businesses strengthen their Cybersecurity posture by implementing CSaaS?

A few of the primary benefits of implementing CSaaS, that are generic to any business across industries are as follows: -

Cost reduction of hiring, training, retaining Cybersecurity experts

Building identical cybersecurity skills in-house is significantly more expensive than using CSaaS. The global lack of IT Security expertize has made it extremely difficult to locate qualified staff, and those few that are available demand to be well compensated. MSSPs (Managed Security Service Providers) deliver cutting-edge security at a low cost. The CSaaS model removes significant upfront technology expenditures in favor of monthly fees that are predictable. 

24/7 Cybersecurity expertize at your fingertips

Finding a qualified workforce and putting together an efficient security operations team in-house may take a long time. CSaaS is immediately available, giving you access to a huge team of cybersecurity professionals and the latest tools. MSSPs work with a variety of customers in a variety of sectors. So, they have a plethora of real-world knowledge to draw on when battling increasingly sophisticated hackers. Furthermore, they are often available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which is difficult for small in-house security operations teams.

Stress reduction on HRs and Executive leadership

Even if you have the means, establishing an in-house team of cybersecurity professionals may be difficult. This poses significant personnel issues and puts HR in a difficult position. There may just be insufficient people to effectively handle cybersecurity. CSaaS is helpful since it is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. By working with a third-party vendor, you can be certain that your company will always have enough people to cover the task.

Business expansion by focusing on business operations

Modern firms work in a dynamic, fast-paced, and ever-changing global environment. As a result, an organization’s cybersecurity requirements are likely to change over time. A fresh new firm with only a few people and a modest infrastructure, for example, would most likely have a limited attack surface. A small-scale security suite should serve in this scenario. However, as businesses expand, recruit more personnel, and expand their infrastructure, their attack surface will eventually expand. As a result, they would have to raise their coverage and buy a more comprehensive plan. The CSaaS model’s inherent flexibility is one of its most appealing features. Businesses also can either scale up or scale down as required to make sure they are spending the right amount of money on cybersecurity while avoiding unnecessary services. The entire procedure may be time-consuming, whether it’s monitoring network traffic, managing logs, or making system updates. This might take time away from your primary activities if done in-house. Of course, this can lead to lower productivity, a poor customer experience, and other issues. None of these things are desirable. The benefit of CSaaS is that it allows you to outsource almost all aspects of cybersecurity to a provider. It’s a relatively passive mode of operation. As a result, you’ll be able to concentrate on what matters most to you: developing your company and increasing the revenue & profits.

According to a recent PwC poll of over 10,000 business and IT leaders, this strategy is now being used by 62 percent of companies. With the frequency and severity of cyber assaults on the rise, more businesses are likely to follow suit.

Centex Technologies provide complete Cybersecurity solutions to businesses. For more information on how you can protect your systems, contact Centex Technologies at Killeen (254) 213-4740, Dallas (972) 375-9654, Atlanta (404) 994-5074, and Austin (512) 956-5454

How And Why Do You Need To Secure Your IoT Devices?

Why should you secure your IoT devices?

Widespread digitization has increased the convenience of using the internet, but it has also increased the risk of being targeted by cyber-attackers. Hackers can steal and exploit your personal and financial information, as well as take control of smart cameras and microphones to spy on you. As a result, your privacy and security may be jeopardized.

How to easily secure IoT devices?

Here are the seven ways to secure your IoT devices: -

Router configuration

Router ties all your IoT gadgets together and makes them useful. Don't use the default name for your router which is generally set by its manufacturer. People might find the default login and password and get access to your smart home network (if they discover the brand and model). So, set some strange name that has nothing to do with you or your place. Your router name must be very unique; also avoid revealing any personal information.

Strong access credentials

Set the router's password to something genuinely unique. Use passwords that are made up of a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. The login credentials used to log into your IoT devices must also be set complicated. It's now critical to set unique set of credentials for each IoT device's user account and smartphone or web application. This ensures that even if one device's password is hacked, the other IoT devices remain secure.

Wi-Fi Network isolation for IoT wearables and gadgets

Many routers support guest network creation. It is advised to protect the primary home network from IoT cyber risks. You can build and deploy a secondary WiFi network. This will be devoted just to the IoT wearables and gadgets. Now, the IoT gadgets are operating via an isolated WiFi network. Hence, even if the hackers intrude, they would not be able to hack into your other vital personal devices.

Disable any features that you aren't using

Many IoT gadgets allow you to control them from any location on the earth. Disable remote access if you only use them on your home's Wi-Fi connection. Smart speakers, too, include Bluetooth alongwith a Wi-Fi connection. What if you don't utilize it? It should be turned off. It may sound weird, but an active microphone might be utilized to listen in on your chats if it is hacked. As a result, deactivating features entails blocking as many of those various entry points as feasible.

Updating and patching devices

Updating the firmware on your IoT devices may not happen automatically. Essential security patches are frequently included in these updates. So, do a manual check every few months and, if any outstanding firmware upgrades are discovered, install them without any delay.

Enable 2FA and MFA

Having a password plus an MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) adds an extra degree of protection. When someone tries it hard to log in the IoT devices using 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication), they must offer extra evidence of identification every time. This proof could be an OTP or a verification code delivered to your phone or email address. MFA is activated by-default on most of the IoT devices in the market. You can use third-party apps like Google Authenticator to activate 2FA.

Installing an NGFW

A typical firewall lacks the essential security functions such as intrusion prevention and virus protection. Sometimes intercepting the SSL/SSH content and QoS management services aren’t available on traditional firewalls. The NGFW (Next-Generation FireWall) is an integrated network platform that combines a standard firewall with additional security features. An NGFW also contains almost all the features of a typical firewall. This makes it effective at detecting and defending against cyberattacks. NGFWs are an expensive investment, but the amount of security increment they provide for your IoT device network makes it quite worthwhile.

Even if you get the costliest IoT equipment from the most prestigious firms, the safety and security of your IoT devices’ network is ultimately in your own hands.

Centex Technologies provide complete network security solutions. For more information, contact Centex Technologies at Killeen (254) 213-4740, Dallas (972) 375-9654, Atlanta (404) 994-5074, and Austin (512) 956-5454