22. May 2011 12:59
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Computer security is one of the most important tasks for an organization. As almost 90% of data is saved on computers, it becomes very important to keep your computer and network secure. For most of the individuals, computer security just revolves around having an anti-virus in the system. Due to lack of knowledge about computer security, they often face situations where they either lose data or important information like SSN, credit card details etc is phished. By following few simple rules, you can increase your computer’s security and make it secure.
The first thing that one should do is to regularly upgrade their computer software particularly with operating system updates. With newer security threats being detected every now and then, software companies keep on upgrading their software to counter that. Routine upgrades make sure that your computer system is secure for most of the threats.
Firewalls are also important to keep your system secure. There are two kinds of firewalls – hardware and software firewalls and both of them perform the same tasks. They allow you to set up security setting and to determine who all can access your system. Proper firewall settings can keep hackers at bay.
You would be surprised to know that most of the computer problems are result of owner’s activity only. Not only random mails, but emails from close source can also contain malicious programs that can harm your computer’s security. Most of the time, phishing is done through downloads that one make from emails.
Anti-virus software plays an important role in recognizing and preventing various Trojans, spywares, viruses etc to affect your computer system. One should always keep their Anti-Virus software updated. Besides these basic tips, a person can get various advanced solutions for protecting their computer systems which would normally depend on network structure, usage and other custom requirements.
To know more how you can protect your computer system or how you can increase your computer or network’s security, feel free to contact us at Centex Technologies. We at Centex Technologies provide complete range of security solutions for individual systems, corporate and commercial establishments. We can be contacted on our Toll Free numbers at – 855 375-9654.
Remote Data Backups is the most cost effective, secure, and convenient way to automatically back up your mission critical data offsite every night. Remote backup services are progressively acquiring a lot of importance in today's time. You can save your crucial computer data by manually backing it up from your system. But this procedure is time consuming and tiresome chore as you can’t just sit in front of your computer for long hours to download the necessary information from your system to some external device.
Nevertheless, remote backup service is suitable for you as this software works opposite to the conventional methods for saving your data. Currently, online remote backup has become extremely popular since almost all sorts of business concerns have turned to online remote backup, leaving their data to be stored in a remote location. The reason for this can be due to the external threats or betterments in encryption and security.
Online backup often identified as remote backup or offsite data backup is a straightforward and dependable way to back up all your crucial stuff and store it in a secure, remote location for safekeeping. In case the files are misplaced or damaged, your information still can be retrieved easily. It can backup all your data files and overwrite your existing ones or only those altered. It permits the users to safely access or restore any lost files by making use of any computer over existing Internet bandwidth.
By backing up data as often as required on a remote hard drive, the risk of data loss will be practically reduced. It is grounded on the client server architecture, intending that there is a server procedure which runs on the server and its chief task is to save your files on the server.
If you wish to backup your data, one of the most popular and ideal ways to undertake it is utilizing remote offsite backup services from Centex Technologies. We are always ready to help you with the best we can. Call us at (855) 375-9654 to avail our special offers.